Also, if you're trying to find me on Facebook, SURPRISE! I'm not there. My fan page is still up, of course, and I'll check in there from time to time, but I'm scaling back from social media (AGAIN!). It gets too noisy for me and I need to find a quiet corner. If I could, I would stay off forever, but as it stands, I'll probably jump back in every time I finish a book, and then duck back out after I start the next one.
And finally, in case you're wondering, my writing schedule for the next year is very exciting for me. I am stepping away from marketing to try and write as much as possible and I am so excited. I'm basically going to be working on all the things I've wanted to write since I started as an indie writer several years ago, but either was in middle of a series, or didn't have the writing chops yet. Well, I've sharpened my chops quite a bit since those days, and I need to work on projects that I feel excited and passionate about. At this time (of course this stuff changes rapidly, depending on where my brain goes at the end of each book), these are the books I'm planning on in the next year:
Blood Day: a neo-gothic dystopia story with vampires (sort of).
Monstrous: book one of Blood of Cain series, an urban (or ruralish sometimes) fantasy about a woman who comes back from the dead to seek redemption by killing the killers.
Something Dark and Beautiful: a dark and twisty time travel with elements of noir, voodoo, and Lovecraft.
So there you have it. I'll probably be blogging a little more regularly without the the outlet of blabbing on Facebook, but I wouldn't expect anything too regular. This is still me, after all. The writing always comes first. Well, after Skittles anyway.