The book, which I originally thought was a (sort of) romance, is actually a bit of a crazy thrill ride with more twists and turns than I expected. While I originally planned on using the working title Something Dark and Beautiful, I've switched over to the more appropriate Blood of the Stars. I'm about three quarters done and I am having the best, most fantastic time writing it. I honestly wish it didn't have to end because this is the strangest book I've ever written. And when the writing ends, a new adventure: seeing if any traditional publishers are interested. Which is a weird thing for me since I've only published indie, save a few anthology entries. So, knock on wood, cross your fingers for me. New adventures are always terrifying in the beginning.
And next week I'll be in Seattle at Emerald City Comic Con! This is also a first for me, and I'll be on a panel with Robin Hobb, Myke Cole, Kevin Hearne, Jason Hough, Peter Brett and Karina Cooper. I'm so excited and scared, but I know it'll be a blast. I'll have some books to hand out and sign, too, so if you're in the area, email me, message me, or post on my facebook or twitter, and I'll try to arrange to meet you. Or just come find me. I'll be around. Here's the link to our panel. Should be fun.
I'll be sure to take lots of pictures to share on the blog after the event. Hope to see some of you there!
Now back to feverishly working on the book. I'll be working on Monstrous when this is done, so get ready for some gritty Urban Fantasy!