The Hungry Deep is a slow-burn gothic horror novel set in the dwindling mining town of Goodhope, where something is stalking the residents one year after the death of a woman called Lavinia Corrigan. Here is the blurb:
Lavinia Corrigan is dead.
One year ago, after her body was recovered from the wood behind Corrigan Manor, it was believed Lavinia had taken her own life. But on the anniversary of her death, Father Philip Hackley can no longer keep his secret. He has known about the Corrigans' abandoned mine for the last 50 years, but he is no longer able to protect the town of Goodhope from what resides within. Father Philip is haunted by what he has done for the Corrigans, and with his health deteriorating, he finds himself with little time to right his wrongs.
Eleanor Craft, come to Goodhope to care for her ailing aunt, is grieving. One year ago she was supposed to run away with Lavinia, but her lover never showed. When Tom Corrigan found the body in the forest, El was wracked with guilt. Now, one year later, El swears she can still hear Lavinia's voice coming from the wood where she died, and she would give anything to see Lavinia alive again. Absolutely anything.
Anabel Corrigan watched her mother disappear into the woods one night, and did not see her come out again. Sickly since birth, Anabel has little to do but watch and wait for her mother to re-emerge from the forest. She hears her mother calling her father's name. And she sounds very, very angry.
Throughout the course of the night, it becomes apparent that something is stalking the residents of Goodhope, and one by one the townspeople turn up dead. As secrets are exposed, and mysteries uncovered, it appears that none is without fault in the death of Lavinia Corrigan. Soon, there will be no more secrets left to tell. If they can survive until morning.
And here is the cover! You can pre-order The Hungry Deep on Amazon, and add it to your Goodreads list here. Thanks for your support, and I look forward to inundating you with lots of creepy books in the near future.